Mr. Dr. Gernot Wurm-16799
Doctors in Leoben, Styria, Austria
Mr. Dr. Gernot Wurm
Street: Erzherzog Johann-Straße 9
City: Leoben
Province: Styria
Country: Austria
Phone: 03842 47993
Category: Physician, Kinderarzt, Arzt
City: Leoben
Province: Styria
Country: Austria
Phone: 03842 47993
Category: Physician, Kinderarzt, Arzt
Mr. Dr. Gernot Wurm is located at Erzherzog Johann-Straße 9
More Physicians within 1 Kilometre
The following 8 Physicians have been found within 1 Kilometre
- Mr. Dr. Rupert Seitweger - 0.1 km
- Dr.Med. Färber Klaus - 0.1 km
- Ordination Dr. W. Fuhrmann - 0.1 km
- Mr. Dr. Michael Jeglitsch - 0.1 km
- Dr. Friedrich Stangl Facharzt für Chirurgie und Unfallchirurgie - 0.2 km
- Mr. Dr. Bernd Achleitner - 0.2 km
- Dr. Margaux-Denise Lassacher - 0.3 km
- Mrs. Dr. Eva Trauner - 0.5 km
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